Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Killer Tomato!!!!

I was attacked!!!!!!! That's the only thing I can think of. After work on Thursday, I bucked up and dressed warm to go and preride the Teva Mtn Games course in Vail in the rain. Getting pumped for what turned out to be a pretty brutal race on Sat. They had to reroute the course because of the record snowfall this winter, but somehow maintain about the same amt. of climbing in less distance. Go Figure!!!! Anyway, getting myself mentally prepared to race on sat, I worked Fri am, then went home to cut the grass. I started getting light headed and decided to head in to eat something. Things quickly turned for the worse. I found myself in the fetal position around 3:00 Friday afternoon. Woke up about 8:30, was able to choke down some food and TONS of fluids, took some Tylenol PM, and next thing I knew it was Sat AM. Needless to say, I wasn't able to race on Sat. I would have had to have a Porta Shitter every 1/4 mile on course just to finish a lap. I had a sandwich for lunch on Thurs, from the cafeteria at Vail Valley Med. Center, and all I can think was I got a good case of the Tomato Salmonella that is going around. I was able to get a ride in on Sun, with a jersey full of TP, but felt better. Now it's Tues, and I think I am on the mend, I feel good and things are starting to solidify a bit!!! Sorry if anyone is eating lunch reading this........ Missed out on a great training race on Sat, but I will hopefully be ready for the Butte! STAY AWAY FROM TOMATO'S!!!!!!!!!!!!

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